Tuesday, December 12

Wal-Mart Takes Christmas Fight To Non-Believers

Jews, convert or die?!? That's the message of Eternal Forces, a new video game that Wal-Mart has decided to sell. In their defense, they are not the only ones selling it, but they are the only ones who pretend to be our conscience. Would they sell a game where Jews kill or convert Christians?

(SF Gate)The series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins is based on their interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and takes place after the Rapture, when Jesus has taken his people to heaven and left nonbelievers behind to face the Antichrist.

Left Behind Games' president, Jeffrey Frichner, says the game actually is pacifist because players lose "spirit points" every time they gun down nonbelievers rather than convert them. They can earn spirit points again by having their character pray.

"You are fighting a defensive battle in the game," Frichner, whose previous company produced Bible software, said of combatting the Antichrist. "You are a sort of a freedom fighter."

A Wal-Mart spokeswoman said the retailer has no plans to pull Left Behind: Eternal Forces from any of the 200 of Wal-Mart's 3,800 stores that offer the game, including just seven in California. The nearest are in Chico and Redding.
The article also sheds a little light on why people are still finding the Nazi t-shirts a month after we were told they would be pulled from the shelves.
"We look at the community to see where it will sell," said Tara Raddohl. "We have customers who are buying it and really haven't received a lot of complaints about it from our customers at this time."
So Wal-Mart must have looked at those places where people are still finding those t-shirts and said, "Nazi stuff will sell here". I wonder how many of the 200 stores that sell the game also sell the Nazi t-shirt?