Monday, April 2

Romney Raises More Than Rudy and McCain

In fact, he raised more money than everyone on both sides except for Clinton and possibly Obama, who has yet to announce his totals. Pretty impressive. I bet by the end of this week, something will come up about Romney's past. Because he "change" of heart on positions like abortion and gun control. So much so that a group called Massachusetts Republicans For Truth has created The Romney Report, a look back at Romney's voting record. Some might call it flip-flop for the White House.

So the Republican choices for president are a liberal Governor from Mass., a three time married Mayor of liberal New York, a twice married Senator from Arizona who is delusional on Iraq, an actor who who is one of my favorite movies of all-time(Hunt for Red October, "This thing is going to get out of hand.") or a former Speaker who impeached a president for lying about extra marital sex while cheating on his "former" wife. Good luck Christian anti-liberal right!