Sunday, November 5

How Considerate Of Him

Saddam urges for peace after his verdict of death by hanging. What a thoughtful person.

(USA Today) Saddam "knew that he would be sentenced to death and wanted me to pass on this message to the Iraqi people and to the whole world after the verdict was announced," Khalil al-Dulaimi told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Baghdad.

"His message to the Iraqi people was 'pardon and do not take revenge on the invading nations and their people'," al-Dulaimi said. "The president also asked his countrymen to 'unify in the face of sectarian strife'."
He also had this to add about who is on the streets of Baghdad
Al-Dulaimi also said that the security situation in Baghdad was "very dangerous."

"Iranian intelligence and U.S. invaders are patrolling around. There's nobody else on the streets," he said. "Baghdad looks like a ghost town."