Monday, October 16

Heartland Not Happy

When conservatives in Kansas start jumping ship, one must ask, "What's up?" The Johnson County Sun will forgo it's support for Republican candidates, and instead, support moderate Democrats in the upcoming elections. The Chairman of The Johnson County Sun ,Steve Rose, explains.(h/t Political Animal)

The Republican Party has changed, and it has changed monumentally.

You almost cannot be a victorious traditional Republican candidate with mainstream values in Johnson County or in Kansas anymore, because these candidates never get on the ballot in the general election. They lose in low turnout primaries, where the far right shows up to vote in disproportionate numbers.

To win a Republican primary, the candidate must move to the right.

What does to-the-right mean?

It means anti-public education, though claiming to support it.

It means weak support of our universities, while praising them.

It means anti-stem cell research.

It means ridiculing global warming.

It means gay bashing. Not so much gay marriage, but just bashing gays.

It means immigrant bashing. I'm talking about the viciousness.

It means putting religion in public schools. Not just prayer.

It means mocking evolution and claiming it is not science.

It means denigrating even abstinence-based sex education.
This would be no big deal if this was from me, but this is from a man who hasn't voted for a Democrat since he started voting in 1968.