Wednesday, May 3

US Businessman Pleads Guilty To Bribing Politician

This sounds more like extorsion or a shake down rather than a bribe. None the less, it's still another example of how corrupt our politicians are.

(AFP/Yahoo)The politician then told Jackson that he would not help his company, iGate, any longer unless he began making monthly payments of 7,500 dollars to the shell company, according to the Justice Department.

The politician also requested five percent iGate's gross sales over five million dollars, five percent of capital investments obtained with help of the politician, and one million shares in the company, the plea agreement said.

After the politician helped Jackson win a contract with a Nigerian television company to provide internet technology for various projects in Africa, the politician asked for his share of the profits to increase to 35 percent of all projects in which he assisted.
I bet your waiting to hear the name of this Republican, well here it is.
CNN, citing government sources, reported that the unnamed lawmaker was Democratic Louisiana congressman William Jefferson.
It seems corruption knows no party lines. It's time we get some real reform with our politicians. Not the current plans that worry about banning meals. When people who compare the plans in the House and Senate say the Senate bill has more teeth because it bans meals, you got to ask yourself, "do they really think we are that stupid?"