Wednesday, May 3

Taliban Still Hanging Around

Remember the Taliban? You know, the government who sponsored the attack of 9/11. The government who had a relationship with OBL and Al Qaida. The government who harbored and is harboring terrorists. Yeah, that one. They continue to ramp up their attacks against American, Canadian, British and Dutch troops. And today our military leaders and analysts say our number one threat in Afghanistan is, wait for it......................the Taliban!

(AP/Yahoo)Whether ambushing Afghan police from mountain passes or detonating bombs on lonely highways, remnants of the ousted Islamic regime have stepped up attacks, causing havoc and insecurity across a cluster of provinces.

Military officials and analysts said Wednesday the Taliban threat is the No. 1 challenge
But I am so glad we shipped our troops to Iraq so we could catch or kill the Husseins. The ones who had nothing to do with 9/11 nor was Iraq near the top of the list of government involvement in terrorism