Monday, May 15

Results Of No Net Neutrality

We begin to see what is going to happen if there is no net neutrality!

(Wired)Many of the major internet service providers, made up of the telephone and cable companies, fear that the increasing number of services offering TV-quality and high-definition programming over the web will make the internet choke.

Most home internet use is in brief bursts — an e-mail here, a web page there. If people start watching streaming video like they watch TV — for hours at a time — that puts a strain on the internet that it wasn't designed for, ISPs say, and increasing the internet's capacity to prevent that will be expensive. To offset that cost, ISPs want to start charging content providers to ensure delivery of large video files.
And who do you think the content providers are going to have to charge to offset that raise? So as our ISP's charge us more and more money for "faster" service, which is behind some of Europe and most of Asia in speeds, they will also be charging the content providers to "ensure delivery". Who seems to be making out the best here?