Thursday, May 25

House OK's Drilling In ANWR

So how does finding more oil help us with our dependency? And if in 2016, which would be the earliest we could see oil from ANWR, we still haven't figured alternative fuels out, then it's our own fault.

(AP/Yahoo)Citing the public outcry over $3-a-gallon gasoline and America's heavy reliance on foreign oil, the House on Thursday voted to open an Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling, knowing the prospects for Senate approval were slim.
This is essentially like saying the way for an alcoholic to correct their problem is to find more alcohol and drink it. What kind of backwards ass logic is this? Shouldn't we be thinking like this...
Congress should pursue conservation and alternative energy sources that would save more oil than would be tapped from the refuge.
Hey, you don't think that the oil companies and it's representatives in our government had anything to do with this latest oil crisis?