Paris Riots
The other day I mentioned how France was starting these work contracts with those 26 and under. How the breathe of the people 26 and under was not good. Well it looks like the people have taken to the streets.
So I started to wonder, why don't Americans gather and protest like this anymore. Back during Vietnam, we had protests like those. Granted I wasn't around for them, but we've all the seen the images on tv or in books and magazines. So why don't we still assemble for what we believe?
Today in England, there are protests against the war in Iraq, obviously the French are protesting for workers rights,..........and we blog.
Has blogging become are form of protest? We already do a Earth Day virtual march. We send letters to our leaders and media. Have we lost our motivation to assemble and do what our Forefathers fought for? The very first right given to us by our Forefathers tells us we have that right.
I can't remember a protest in this country that wasn't provoked by unrest over police tactics in the case of Rodney King. Or in the form of union members on strike. You see the occasional 200-300 people protest at state capitols. So maybe we are protesting when we blog. The 21st century version of protesting.Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Maybe this answers why people think we are the "Liberal Base" or the "Left Wing" of the Democratic party. We have found a different way to do what is going on today in Europe. I know some mock what goes on with blogs, but people like Kos, Atrios, John from Americablog, and the many others who dedicate themselves to expose the Government, coorperatons, or other entities that do wrong. But if wasn't for them, were would be today? Next to money, is there anything more powerful than information.