Friday, December 8

Sony Misses PS3 Mark By 200,000 Units

First of all, I love Sony. My TV and all the components are Sony, and they always have been Sony. I have never bought a Sony device that didn't work right out of the box. I have never had any problems, that I didn't cause myself, with any of my PlayStations. The only electrical devices I use that aren't Sony are my Mac and iPod. And unfortunately for Sony, that won't change anytime soon. So with that said, what the hell is going on at Sony with the PS3?

(CrunchGear)Before the PlayStation 3 was released on Nov. 17, Sony had promised the public 400,000 PS3 units on launch day. NDP Group has done some research, and as it turns out, Sony only got out 197,000 units on launch day. This explains all the crazed events that took place the week of the 17th.
Add to it the high price tag of PS3, due to Blu Ray technology, and you have for some upset people. And for the record, not everyone is sure that Blu Ray will beat out HD DVD or whether they can coexist together. After all, Sony did bring us Betamax.