Is Murtha "Total Crap"?
Back in November, Rep. Jack Murtha said that the ethics reform bill Speaker-elect Pelosi was working on was, total crap, maybe we are finding out why.
(WaPo) In 2001, Murtha announced the creation of Scialabba's nonprofit agency for the disabled in Johnstown, Pa. The next year, with Scialabba still on his staff, Murtha secured a half-million dollars for the group, the Pennsylvania Association for Individuals With Disabilities (PAID), and put another $150,000 in the pipeline for 2003, according to appropriations committee records and former committee aides. Since then, the group has helped hundreds of disabled people find work.I am so tired of politicians, religious leaders and corporations telling us what is right and moral, while they do the opposite. I've been a registered Dem since 2000, thanks to W., but already I am remembering why I didn't vote Dem or Rep prior to 2000.
But the group serves another function as well. PAID has become a gathering point for defense contractors and lobbyists with business before Murtha's defense appropriations subcommittee, and for Pennsylvania businesses and universities that have thrived on federal money obtained by Murtha.