Wednesday, November 8

Red, White And BLUE Wednesday

The colors of the flag haven't looked this bright for a few years now. Some kudos need to go out to the people responsible, beides DeLay, Foley, Cunningham, Ney, Abramoff etc.., for the success last night. Those people are Rep. Rahm Emanuel, Sen. Charles Schummer, Gov. Howard Dean, those involved in the day to day legwork of getting out the vote and those who opened their wallet. And also to the American people, regardless of who you voted for, for showing up to ballots.

Also I would like to say to the Dems, put the Kool-Aid down, and lets get to work. The voters spoke on a change of direction in Iraq. The voters spoke on a culture of corruption. The voters spoke for checks and balances. Don't let me and the millions who voted for that down!

The Hotline has a few more names.