Wednesday, May 3

Ken Starr Is Back, And This Time He Is Against The First Amendment

Good old Ken Starr has made his way back into the lime light. He has decided to defend a school that was said to have violated a students First Amendment rights. It stems from a ruling in March over a sign.

( March 15)A teen who held up a sign that read "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" when the Olympic torch relay passed by his school has won an appeals court battle over whether his sign was an expression of free speech.
So the issue hear seems to be free speech. How can Starr have a problem with this?
(AP/Yahoo)Starr, who is dean at Pepperdine Law School in Malibu, Calif., has agreed to take the case for free, said Phyllis Carlson, president of the school board.

"Federal law requires us to maintain a consistent message that use of drugs like marijuana is harmful and illegal. Yet, when we try to enforce our policies, our administrators are sued and exposed to damage awards," she said.
Again, he had a sign that said "Bong Hits For Jesus". Whether the sign is stupid or nonsense is irrelevant. He had nothing illegal on him. The only "crime" is that he said something that people didn't like.

I am going to sue the South Dakota because they not only talked about banning abortions, they passed a law banning abortion. Since abortion is legal and talking about the opposite is illegal, I am going to sue!