Germany Protects Prostitutes During World Cup
In the run up to and during the World Cup tournament in Germay, the local Cologne authorities have banned camera crew and reporters from recording or reporting from the red light district.
(Guardian)Andrea, 31, a local prostitute, said: "There are crews from all over Europe here, I was just questioned by a Swedish crew. People film us as if we were zoo animals. At the moment, if someone pulls over next to you, you can be almost positive that it's just a journalist who wants to talk nonsense. All our normal punters are backing off now."Maybe if their were more drive-in brothels in the world, we would have less war. Or at the least care less about it, if that is possible.
"Anyone filming or taking pictures there will be liable to prosecution. Prostitutes are having sexual intercourse in cars there, it is not a good thing to be filming."
"If a journalist goes to a brothel and gets the owner's permission to film that's fine. But the drive-in brothel project is trying to protect girls and keep them off drugs and we do not want to scare them away," he said.