Friday, May 5

Congress Is All Hot Air When It Comes To Our Dependency On Oil

If we are so serious about fighting our dependency or addiction to oil(gasoline), why wouldn't we want to find more ethanol like we want to find more oil?

(AP/Yahoo)Farm-state lawmakers say they're prepared to fight vigorously any attempt to remove the 54-cent tariff on imported ethanol even though demand for the additive is growing as refiners use more of it in gasoline.
This group includes Sen. Charles Grassley R-Iowa, Sen. Max Baucus D-Mont, Sen. Byron Dorgan D-N.D., Dennis Hastert, R-Ill. I know ethanol has drawbacks, but it is an immediate step to help reduce our dependency on oil. If we keep waiting on Hydrogen or better battery operated cars, and do nothing in the mean time, we will keep having the problems we are having now.

Even if we could get hydrogen cars or better battery operated cars on the road tomorrow, there will still be millions of gas based cars on the road. Not everyone would be able to buy a new car, not to mention the obvious backorder when they come out. We should be working on a conversion kit available to cars/suv's/trucks to allow them to use more ethanol or a higher % of ethanol in the fuel mixture. Up it to 25% or more if possible. Make more flex-fuel cars and hybrids. This is a step in the process, the first step. All while we are working on the cars of the next generation. But blaming SUV's while the car you drive is still powered with oil based fuels or repeating the negatives of ethanol, is almost as negligent.