Tuesday, April 4

Feingold Looking Presidential

Not just because he is the only Dem who "Publicly" wants to hold President Bush accountable. Not because he stands for something, which is rare from Dem's these days. Not because he voted against the war. But because liberals have been screaming for someone who represents them. Someone who isn't afraid to stand up to today's Republicans. Someone who truly believes in liberal values. Someone who isn't afraid of an issue because it is liberal. You will never have to guess where Sen Feingold is standing on a issue. Case in point...

(Raw Story)United States Senator Russ Feingold this week indicated that he not only opposes a constitutional amendment in Wisconsin to ban gay marriage and civil unions, but in fact, favors full marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples.
Whether you agree or disagree, you know where he stands. The same couldn't be said for John Kerry. While I thought John Kerry would have been a fine President, too many people were wondering where he stood. And instead of running around hunting or surfing, he should have been making clear where he stood on issues.

So I applaud Sen Feingold, if for nothing else, giving us at least two parties to choose from!