Thursday, April 6

Dean Misses The Boat

While I like Howard Dean, and I think he is doing a good job as DNC Chairman, I think he and others are still missing the point. Last night on Hardball he said this while talking about what the Dems need to do...

(MSNBC)We a’re going to do this differently. We'’ve learned by watching the terrible mistakes that the Republicans have made. This is not so much a difference about policy, although there is one, it's a difference of how you treat people."
You think there is more than one Dean? Maybe I am taking this a little too literally, but, this is all about policies! Which policies Howie do you agree with Bush on? I know I sound like a broken record, but we need real leaders in the Democratic party. We need people who can come up with ideas without it starting with, when Bush screws up.........

We need to get rid of these Republican Lite's who pull every issue to the middle, or who vote like Lil Joe Lieberman!