Thursday, February 23

We need more than hybrids!

While it finally seems like we are making a real move to alternative fuels, we still are far from where we need to be. Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to even consider war and oil in the Middle East? Hybrids and the new Flex Fuel are obviously steps in the right direction, but we still need gas for both of them. If you are against oil products because of the environmental disasters and the harm to our planet, ethanol production isn't the cleanest of processes. Then these new technologies don't solve that problem. I wish I knew the answers, or even felt confident that someone else does. Imagine what $250+ billion could have done to make us energy dependent instead of putting a country into civil war, dividing our country, and killing or disfiguring so many people. We could actually be tuff with the countries we need to be tuff with. Say Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Our cost of living wouldn't be dependent on Third World governments being overthrown. We could be strong on civil liberties to the Third World. Maybe then we could take the handcuffs of the Israelis. Then and only then would Iran, Syria , and the Palestinians stop sending suicide bombers into Jerusalem pizza joints. We need to this now because it is just the right thing to do. So hopefully we as a country don't get too complacent with hybrids and Flex Fuel and find real alternatives to fossil fuels.