Monday, February 27

Ciao Torino

Well the Olympic Games in Torino have come and gone. Not soon enough. While it is fun seeing Bode Miller run his mouth and then come up short, people sweeping the ice and yelling in languages I don't know, and people sliding down an ice track in every conceivable position I have to say I am ready for Earl. Maybe it would have been better if NBC tried to show some of the big events live. Instead, I would catch all the results when I went online. I know NBC has to package it into a prime time special to get advertising but, if there is anything more boring then watching figure skating when you already know the results, I am all ears. On the contrary, watching figure skating without the knowledge of when someone is going to fall makes it all that more interesting. Maybe if they just showed the events instead of giving us back stories on every athlete. The real problem is for the most part that we don't have the Soviet Union or East Germans to go against. There are no real rivals. Maybe if Al Qaida had a team we would be more interested. I used to love the Winter Olympics. Now they just interfere with programming.